Eleanor of Aquitaine did not know she could change the world. No one guessed she ever would caught in her charisma, the way her court was. But she did change the world. She changed it in a fundamental way. Surviving the singularity of the apocalypse, fighting her way through the 2nd Crusade in the 12th century, she became a queen of two countries, mother of ten. Eleanor held on to a life true to her childhood being and experienced the romance of the world. She wrote down her code, opened the first court of French romantic manners, and taught the world how to love. How she did this is her story, why she was compelled to do this was her character.
Read about the greatest queen you never knew.

4 of the 6 books of the Eleanor code. The fifth, Love and Rebellion is coming in 2016.

Mark Richard Beaulieu – How to Get to Outremer
Denver, June 28, 2015, 9:15am. Author Mark R. Beaulieu spoke at the Historical Novel Society convention. With author Delaney Green in their session “The Past is …Where?” Mark presented the rare land used by Eleanor of Aquitaine and Louis 7 that guided 50,000 pilgrims across Europa to Jerusalem into a fatal 2nd Crusade, and the ocean chart that guided the survivors home.
life story Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1124-1204, became one of the wealthiest and most powerful woman in medieval Europe. Parentless, she became the Queen of France to Louis 7 at age thirteen. At age 27 she met 18-year-old Henri II. Inspiring him to conquer England she became its Queen. > one page life summation >

Professional Voice Actors read from The Young Life
Click to hear professional male and female readers. Also a cameo by an English actress who shall go unnamed reading as Eleanor might.